Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Ready The Sheets, It's Time To Put 2008 To Bed.
Less than 7 hours left until the new year! Australia's already been gettin down for a while now, and I will be planning to do the same later on tonight.
SO, this of course is going to be the post where I reflect on some of the things that I've been grateful for this 2008. I'm happy to say that this has been one of the best years of my entire life that I can remember, which makes me await 2009 with open arms and a wide crazed smile.
2008 brought some of the best times of my life, and also one of the sickest times of my life. Strep throat 3 times in a row with no health insurance? How bout it!
A selection of my great in '08 list goes as follows:
- Moving out of my parent's house in January amidst skepticism and living on my own, quite successfully I might add (meaning I can afford air/heat/cable/internets/AND food), for almost a year now.
- Getting hired into a new position at work and actually being happy doing what I do.
- Maintaining college friends in my life after leaving school.
- Saw a bunch of amazing concerts/performances
- New Friends!
- Living in Chinatown for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.
- voting in the most historic election in the history of the United States FOR BARACK OBAMA!
- late night Broad Street runs
2008 you will be missed but never forgotten!
Bring on 2009!
Happy New Year everyone!
Be Happy.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Reflecting On Christmas Eves Past As If They Were Yesterday.
How the nights used to be so huge with anticipation, I never knew how I fell asleep.
How all those nights we left cookies and milk for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer.
How by coincidence, the same year my father went on a diet, Santa did too. (He never did finish those tuna sandwiches we left him).
Getting up so early in the morning wanting to scream my freakin face off and bounce on the walls, and then being pissed off when my parents weren't ready to get up.
It didn't take long for me to feel their pain, as my younger sister (by 9 years) put me through the same thing.
Now we're older (my sister is a teenager and thanks to Christ sleeps like one) and needless to say the nights and mornings aren't the same. Sure we're older and know where the gifts are coming from. For god's sake they're under the tree all day Christmas Eve! But now I feel slowly but surely I'm entering the age where it'll be time for my family, my brother's, and my sister's to all convene back here where I grew up.
Granted I don't have mounds of presents in my arms walking in the door and a husband and kids in tow (NOT even a thought!) BUT! The day will come. And I'll always remember the milk and cookies and tuna fish sandwiches.
And that one year when I swear to God I heard Santa walking around downstairs.
And could do nothing but lay in my bed shaking with fear .... that a stranger was in my home.
Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Plane Crash Survivor Tweets the Aftermath.
And then proceeded to complain how the airline wasn't serving anyone drinks afterward. I don't see why I should be surprised when the situation explains itself in his Twitter name.
“Should anything be off limits for bloggers and tweeters, or is nothing sacred?” -Mr. Siddique of the Guardian
But just to clarify, he was "not tweeting from the inside of a burning plane."
Said article can be read
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A Few Last Minute Gift Ideas.
A couple of my favorites from this list include:
For when you find yourself so enraged at someone at (what is supposed to be) one of the happiest times of the year, you literally...want to give them nothing.
and Squirrel Feet Earrings. Quite fashionable if you ask me.
You're welcome.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I Think I May Have Found The Saddest Christmas Song EVER.
Prepare yourself for the most terrible Christmas song that you will have ever heard in your entire life.
Maybe even worse than Christmas Shoes?
You Decide.
"Happy" Holidays!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Do You Relate To This? Maybe You Spend Too Much Time Online.
Story Highlights
- Survey: Nearly half of women would forgo sex rather than give up Internet access
- More women than men would be willing to give up sex, the survey found
- The survey, commissioned by Intel, queried 2,119 adults in the U.S. last month
- Most adults also would forgo two weeks of TV over one week of Internet use
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Japanese People are Funny!
Introducing the Private Browsing Sweater:

I imagine your body temperature rising rather quickly.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
You Know What Lets Give One To, Too!
As I click to look at someone's profile while I'm listening to music, some other strange sounds start coming up aside from the song that I'm currently listening to. I stumble, and many the times I have stumbled on a site that plays videos right away, or plays songs right away, or tells me congratulations I just won a free [insert random object here]. But I wasn't stumbling. Did I leave another window open? No... Is there a virus? Is this AIM being stupid again? No, MACs are better than that. Then where the hell is that sound coming from?
Then I realized. Hm.
It's coming from a banner on the side of my pages. On my profile page, on musician pages. Every page. Granted, they don't appear for you or your friends if you pay to be a subscriber... but I am not a subscriber. Normally ads don't bother me. In fact banners have previously been non instrusive and sometimes interesting (movie soundtracks, upcoming concerts etc.) UNTIL NOW.
Why the hell would they put a banner up for a Beck's beer that has random noises to it and NOT EVEN GIVE YOU THE OPTION TO MUTE IT? Is this their way of trying to get people to subscribe to the site? Not a very good ploy, for me anyway. If anything I'd stop using it. Sure, what's $3 dollars a month to not have this shit come up behind my songs and ruin them? Who cares, I'm not paying it., please get off your shit horse and take that nonsense off your page. Unnecessary. You guys have lost points today. Congratulations.
Click here to air your grievances and push to have them ban audio banners. The audio banner isn't on this page. That'd be too ironic.
Lets give a giant F for the month of November.
Here's a jewel that was brought to my attention at work this past week. I can't get over how ridiculous it is. And I'm still looking for friends who would like to make this video our own and re create it in the Philadelphia area. Just let me know.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ingrid Michaelson: In Review, Take Two
Sunday night she delighted us in Philly at the TLA once again and as you can imagine it was beyond amazing. This time around I knew just about all of her songs inside and out and had to keep myself from climbing over the rail screaming and crying her name. Thank god someone else was wasted enough to do that and needless to say, ended up embarassing not only herself (assuming she remembers) but her friends as well. Congratulations!
ANYWAY- because the her last visit in June she thought the TLA looked like a ballroom, she suggested to everyone that if she visited again, everyone should dress up like they were going to a ball. While my friends and I did not, and maybe 2 or 3 in 10 did, her entire band was decked out in horrid dresses and suits (including the opening acts). You can get a glimpse of that here of a someone took while everyone swayed back and forth to Lady in Spain
Opening with Die Alone I almost forgot how much I liked that song. She did a handful from her Girls and Boys album (Far Away, Corner of Your Heart, Breakable, Overboard, and The Hat) as well as a few from her latest release along with Lady in Spain including The Chain (which kills me, this time she didn't pull anyone up on stage which I was kind of hoping for again but that's alright...and that's alright!) Be Ok, Giving Up and a couple of other covers.
Not gonna lie, I'm not really blown away by her second album "Be Ok". It feels like she just put it out there just to have something. Instead of calling it her second album (mainly because I believe it's her third?) I will call it her 1st and a half. It was a half. If it wasn't for The Chain on it and Keep Breathing (WHICH SHE DID NOT SING) and You and I and and and and... I would be highly disappointed.
Apparently she has yet another album coming out which came news to us as she announced and then played a new song called Locked Up.
Sounds pretty good, I like this one a lot! Her fascination with being 17 intrigues me...
Even her opening acts were spine tingling. David Ford, who also opened for her over the summer, was back again Sunday night. Watching him run around stage playing his different instruments listening to his songs Go To Hell and State of the Union as they progressed almost brought tears to my eyes. Listening to his studio versions just isn't the same. I highly recommend hearing him live.
Sunday night was far from disappointing. Except that damn slice of pizza from Lorenzo's at the end of the night that made my tummy box hurt :(
I'm ok. Cheers to a great show, can't wait for the next.
And I am SO GLAD that someone posted her encore, You and I, WHICH I WAITED ALL NIGHT FOR HER TO DO!!!
frown to the girl video poster singing off key.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Oh Did I Forget To Mention Something?
Hey J, if you read this. Thanks for taking one of the single events I've been looking forward to for most of my life, dangling it in front of my eyes, then throwing it away. I appreciate it, really thank you.
1 less devoted fan.
I wish I could take all your CDs I bought and give them back to you.
And then come back for them later when I wasn't so angry anymore.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mounds Of Happiness, Joy, Terror & Destruction!
A day many thought would NEVER ever come has finally blessed this city! Everyone's spirits were dim because of the rain delay, but I have to say that I never lost hope. Something inside of me (that usually takes the pessimistic route) strangely remained...optimistic. I can't say what it was. Perhaps their consistent amazing offense and defense. Perhaps it was bad calls that continued to go our way? Or perhaps it was the fact that I've basically been drunk for 9 straight days.... I was looking forward to running to broad street. And I did.
In the bottom of the ninth the Phillies were up one point. And slowly with every out I put one more outside article on my body. With 2 outs and 2 strikes down I had everything shoes were on, an extra sweatshirt, scarves and my winter coat were on. Then It Happened.
I can't even tell you if I remember what the last play looked like on television except from what I've seen in pictures and from the replays, because as soon as I saw that last out everything went off in my apartment and I was headed towards broad! Yelling and screaming down market as buses and cab drivers were honking their horns... it was incredible.
But nothing was as incredible as what I witnessed on Broad street last night. Coming around the bend by City Hall off of market making my way to South Broad was amazing. The sound of the crowd just echoed down the streets. Here are a few pictures I took of the rowdiness. Mind you, I left before cars were turned and stores were broken into.
My temporary view standing on the wall of Banana Republic
Drunken Fool 1 of 275438041239
Fireworks in the street!
Random fire 1 of 23847230 (note, number is smaller than number of fools)
Morning after on my walk to work...Love Park fountain is now clad with park benches and trashcans
One of the front windows of Robinson's Luggage that was destroyed last night (after I left the area)
Poor guy.
Everybody says Phillies fans can't enjoy anything and that we don't deserve this parade tomorrow but you know what, screw that. I was a part of history and I'm sure as hell I will never experience anything like this for a long time. Eagles, anyone?
While I'm sure everyone has seen their share of pictures and videos from last night, here are links to MORE!
via CNN's front page (nice job, Philly!)
phila weekly
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Phillies Win, Comcast FAILS.
Around midnight the picture started to get a little pixelated and the sound started dropping out. No biggie...Comcast does that all the time. I gave up completely on trying to watch SNL because a cast member would deliver a joke and the punchline was dropped because the screen froze and/or the audio failed. Again, no big deal...I can watch it tomorrow on (However I just read that it was announced last night during the Weekend Update that Amy Poehler FINALLY POPPED last night and gave birth to Archie Arnett. Thank you Comcast.)
BUT THEN the unspeakable.
The entire channel went to black. Hindsight the lost picture was only out for about 15-20 minutes. But sitting on Twitter I knew that my TV wasn't the only one vomiting on itself, and that because of the missing picture, I had then missed the 2 biggest plays in the game: Chase Utley and Ryan Howard's back to back homeruns. Perfect. Awesome! Great. The most exciting part of the game was now lost in the universe because I couldn't see it on my television. I can only imagine what kind of histeria ensued at all the bars last night at that moment, but I'll leave that to imagination.
So after a little while the picture came back and everything was back to normal. Everything, that is, except Comcast customers taste for their cable service going completely sour. Not a good time for an epic fail on their part with the entire city watching the same channel. I googled 'comcast world series' this morning and dug up this article , with a quoted apology from Comcast spokesperson Jeff something or other:
" A little before midnight we detected a equipment failure that resulted in disruption to most standard definition broadcast channels, including FOX. The issue was detected immediately by our internal monitoring tools. However, it took anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes to restore.
We sincerely apologize to our customers and know many of them were watching the World Series"
So today, as I watch game four and longingly look at the Verizon building from my window that doesn't provide FIOS to this part (or any part?) of the city, I'll be crossing my fingers that the picture doesn't go out. But if it does, I'll remember that they will sincerely apologize for it tomorrow.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Intruder Beats, Stabs TV News Anchor
Smell the next episode of Law and Order, anybody?
This Is SNL Soaking Up Ratings While They Still Can
But lets dole out the obvious applause to Tina Fey's spot on performance of Sarah Palin yet again (THIS will also make you die of laughter, Tina Fey explains how she figured out her impression of Gov Palin. "PAULA'S SLEEPUHN!")
My next question is: When is Amy Poehler gonna pop?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Parties in the streets, honking, drinking, bells, boobs and screaming! Oh to be a Phillies fan right now. Oh to be a bandwagon fan right now! Oh to live in Philadelphia right now!
Good Luck in the World Series!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
10 Reasons Why John McCain Should Not Be President.
How long has it been now since the Vice Presidential candidates were announced? Well, count those days and weeks and that's how long I've cared about this election. Previously, I could give two shits in a Rumpelstiltskin outfit handing out candies who was running for president. Now I'd like to thank Sarah Palin herself, her in her Tina Fey glasses, for pissing me off so much that I feel the need to vote NOT BECAUSE I care anything about the Democratic party winning this election, but because I feel so deeply inside my soul and bones that Sarah Palin does not deserve it.
2. John McCain is already the “After” picture.
You’ve seen the before and after pictures of all the presidents of the United States. How young, buff and hunky they looked prior to their stay in office, and then how terrible they looked after! The zinger right here is that John McCain ALREADY LOOKS LIKE THE AFTER. You can’t elect a man who ALREADY, no stay in the oval office yet, looks like he’s too stressed/fragile/at risk of a heart attack/prone to death over something like too much variety and anxiety over what to pick off of the Wendy’s dollar menu.
3. John McCain opposes women’s rights.
If John McCain were President, women would lose their right to choose. Whether if it’s deciding if Lifetime really is television for women, what shoes to wear with this shirt, or whether or not she wants to have this child…John McCain does not want women to have this right. He would rather tack up women's choices on a wall on index cards, pour a beer in a whiffle bat, chug that beer, spin around in a circle ten times, run towards the direction of said wall, and make his choice by whichever index card his forehead slammed into first.
4. John McCain can’t lift his hands above his shoulders.
In a time of joy and victory... what do we, as Americans tend to do to symbolize this? WE HIGH FIVE! As President, John McCain would only be able to give you a middle five. Do you want a President who is only capable of giving middle fives? What does that say about you, about your country? America! Home of the apple pie, baseball and childhood obesity, does NOT deserve a middle five!
5. If John McCain died in office, Sarah Palin would become President.
Could you honestly say that you wouldn't be frightened if this woman was in the White House? She lets her children LICK each other! IN PUBLIC.
6. John McCain divorced his former super model wife [AFTER…he had relations with another woman] when he saw that she was ugly as a result of a serious car accident.
I do believe this act would have earned him a supporting role and then killed in the film ‘Seven’. “What’s in the booooooooooooox???”
7. John McCain has no idea how many homes he has.
If John McCain has no idea how many homes he has, how on earth is he able to maintain the interests 300 plus million people? Hm? Hello? Anyone? What this is, folks, is not a sign of just another politician who wants this position for himself and not for the betterment of our country…but a sign of early but most likely advanced Alzheimer’s. John McCain does not know where he is. John McCain does not know he is John McCain. John McCain would rather be eating cereal from a high chair dangling his legs over the edge in his onesies with the rubber soles that prevent him from slipping on slippery surfaces watching Spongebob Squarepants.
8. If John McCain died in office.... Sarah Palin......... would become President.....
Is this sinking in to ANYONE yet?
10. John McCain supports rabid kangaroo boxing and paving over cabbage patch kids farms and selling land to chain grocery stores like ACME and Giant.
Or I just wanted something to round out an even 10. Either way, COULD YOU IMAGINE?
Be wise when it comes to who you vote for this election. Don't be stupid and vote for the party of the woman who may or may not have been the voice of Martha Generic aka Bobby's mom from Bobby's world.
Thank you.
Now with that, I'm going to step off and take a nice bresh of freath air and enjoy this warm autumn night.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Janet Jackson Left Me A Message On My Phone Tonight.
I don't know if I believe her.
New Eargasms: Ingrid Michaelson, Vampire Weekend & Nickel Creek (what?)
ANYWAY! Who would have ever thought that there could be something(s) so soon that would be able to rip me away from my beloved Foreign Exchange's recent album (see post below)? Not me! And there are! THREE!
Let us begin.
As it is already known, I am a huge Ingrid Michaelson fan. After finding her around 6 months ago, I still can't stop playing her songs on repeat. And to make my fandom of hers rise even higher on this make believe chart I just created, she has finally joined, follows AND replies to her fans on Twitter! So if you haven't already...
Today she released her third album entitled "Be OK"
...which some of the proceeds go to breast cancer "SO NO STEALING" -her website. (Oh that's why I can't find it on Limewire). I'm ultra excited that she has finally put up The Chain on this album because every time I hear it my legs give out and I want to lay down and cry. Perfect walking to work at 7 in the morning music if you ask me!
Next up, I introduce (or re-intro to others) to you, Vampire Weekend. I don't get to listen to the radio too much anymore, but when I do I flip around to whatever station comes through until something happens to catch my ear. And the other day, that station happened to be XPN, and that song happened to be Ottoman, by Vampire Weekend.
This song is set to appear on Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (which is already out....?) and I can't get enough. This group formed sometime in 2006 at Columbia U, have a couple albums, and describes themselves as rock alternative with afropop influences. Crazy mix eh, but they're a great listen. Do explore.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST! (But certainly least expected)
I just want to put out there how after putting my entire playlist of 4k + songs on random this past weekend, up comes Nickel Creek's "Green and Grey"
I've known them as always killing my soul with songs like The Lighthouse's Tale and When You Come Back Down but, I never really paid too much attention to their others. However when you get a song whose very first line is: "I'm in a room full of people and hanging on one person's breath..." how could you not help but collapse to the ground and keep pressing pay over and over again? Well that's exactly what this song did to me, almost 3 years after it was initially released, ha!
Old music is new music sometimes and that's alright with me!
I hope you take these delicious mix of songs and add them on your "I really need to stop playing these" playlist because eventually, you really will need know, to give others a chance.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
New Eargasms: Rachael Yamagata & The Foreign Exchange
Today October 7th 2008 The Foreign Exchange Released their second installment:
Leave It All Behind
Only after a first listen, its everything you can expect from it. The sweet sounds of Darien Brockington harmonizing mixed with excellent electronics and beats. Also a new voice comes along for the ride, one named Muhsinah. I know nothing about her, though over the next few days I plan to be listening to this one A LOT and researching everything I can on every single aspect of every song. I'm positive it won't be a let down, as it's got me hooked in only a matter of seconds.
Also on this unknowingly magical day, Rachael Yamagata also released her sophomore album entitled:
Elephants... Teeth Sinking Into Heart
Since going to a few of her concerts, a few of these tracks aren't unfamiliar to me. Nevertheless, her raspy voice still grabs my heart the same as the last. Like the previous paragraph, I haven't gotten through the entire thing backwards and forwards yet, but I am excited for it's potential. Something different than the last, especially because of the track called "Faster". Completely rocker chick with it. Let me tell you it's just as awesome here recorded as it is live.
Now let me get back to it! I'll have some reviews in a few. In the meantime, don't watch the debate. Find something else to do instead. Unless of course, you're an undecided voter. But in that case, do not vote for McCain and SheBush because in all honesty if you do, you're an idiot.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Sarah Palin Is An Idiot!
I hate her.
After the debates I couldn't really tell who came out as a real "winner", despite how CNN's voice ticker thing tried to help? Turned out to only be a distraction in the end. However, I do think it's entertaining how Sarah Palin and her "camp" consider that debate a victory. Victory? Just because she didn't fumble over her words and maybe answered ONE or TWO questions directly is a VICTORY? Jesus anyone really can be Vice President!
I do believe she even threw a sentence out there of "just because I'm not answering the questions the way you want me to..." ..WHAT!?! The way WHO wants you to? You get a question and you answer it with the truth and preferably without a Martha Generic accent. I also thought it was pretty tacky and ridiculous to give her brother's 3rd grade class a "shout out" and "extra credit for watching!" Wtf this is not MTV TRL, if that was the case HER ASS would have been canceled a week ago.
30 days...30 days...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Stare Too Long And It'll Make Ya Dizzy!
Like I said, stare too long and it'll make ya dizzy! And laugh!
This Will Surely Be Picked Up As A Primetime Comedy
If I'm feeling up to it later tonight (assuming I'm not too drunk to misspell things) I'll try and post a little something on the aftermath. For my own good of course, because we all know ...
Go Phillies!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Well It Appears I'm Suddenly Free This Thursday.
"More details" at a later date. Whatever that means.
I'm highly upset because this would have been my first concert of hers on a huge scale. She pulled this same crap in 2001, but canceled completely. Perez Hilton made it sound like she was trying to get out of her tour because the sale weren't as good as she had hoped. He's an asshole though.
Philadelphia show postponed, tour to resume in Greensboro
The upcoming show of the Rock Witchu Tour scheduled for October 2 in Philadelphia has been postponed, according to a press release sent out this evening from Janet's publicist. The tour will resume in Greensboro, the announcement said.
The full release:
Janet Jackson Postpones Concert Dates Due to Illness
Two upcoming dates on Janet Jackson's Rock Witchu Tour have been postponed due to illness. Janet's stops in Boston (October 1st) and Philadelphia (October 2nd) will be rescheduled. The Rock Witchu Tour will resume in Greensboro, NC on Saturday October 4, 2008.
Janet was treated in Montreal where she was scheduled to perform on Monday September 29th, and is recuperating.
Information regarding the rescheduled dates will be made available as soon as possible.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
My New Favorite Character On SNL.
" of them began booing loudly before leaving. It’s also reported that another said 'What the F is she doing here?'"
HAHA! Oh Sarah! You just keep getting cuter when you get on the defense!
But I digress...
Kristin Wiig's character Judy Grimes, Weekend Updates Travel Correspondent is the funniest sketch I've seen since Drunk Girl. Cheers to you for squeezing an audible laugh out of my chest for the first time in a long time!
I'm just kidding.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sarah Palin May Be Useful For Something.
Sarah Palin? NOPE!
Looks Like Windows Wins This Round!
Not only is it impressive based on the amount of celebrities that are featured (I hope Apple doesn't come back with something too similar to that with stars throwing up out of my tv) BUT this commercial takes the cake with the line of, "I'm a PC...and I've been made into a stereotype" HA! I like to think that Bill Gates wrote that one himself.
Well done sir, well done. Still love my Mac though, I would never go back!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I'm Going To Ruin All Real World/Road Rules Challenge Mysteries For All Of You.
Pay attention to who they focus on the most.
Take, for instance, the first episode. Who was the topic of headline? Tonya... and who went home after only being on the island not even long enough to put her bras in drawers?
The End.
Mad Men & Co. Invade The Twitterverse!
So tonight in my quest to find new and interesting followers (and hopefully get some back hey!) I found just about the entire cast of AMC's hit series Mad Men! And if you're thinking I found the actors as themselves well hell hell you are wrong my friend. Le characters. Everyone from Don Draper to Bobby and Saller Draper to FATHER GILL and even the random next door neighbor who was divorced with the creepy son.
And for your ease of search and stalk I have here all of the Twitter accounts of the characters from Mad Men listed just for you. At least the ones that I found in the 5 minutes that this stalking spree had my attention. Some have multiple accounts while others do not, not sure why. But what I am sure of is that I will probably stop following them after a couple of days...and that I have way... too much time on my hands.
Roger Sterling
Don Draper
Betty Draper
Sally Draper
Robert "Bobby" Draper
Sal Romano
Kitty Romano
Ken Cosgrove
Pete Campbell
Peggy Olson
Paul Kinsey
Harry Crane
Joan Holloway
Bobbie Barrett
Jimmy Barrett
Father Gill
Francine Hanson
Helen Bishop
Bertram Cooper
Can't wait for everyone from Heroes, Lost and 30 Rock to hop on the wagon! Oo and maybe the Hills with Lo, LC and Audrina! Haa well I was kidding with the last one...
I really need to pick up a hobby of some sort.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tina Fey Is Hilarious As Sarah Palin. But You Already Knew That.
It was reported that SNL experienced their highest rated episode evar since 2001, no thanks to Michael Phelps! I choose not to watch any of the clips he's in because I can't stand the way his mouth moves.
But anyway, if you've been living under a rock for the past couple days or suddenly lost your sense of sight and hearing, I bring you, via my boyfriend Tina Fey as Sarah Palin:
Philadelphia Hates Gold Medalists.
Brendan Hansen [lean, muscular Caucasian pictured above], who was a part of the gold medal winning relay con sir Michael Phelps, recently had his gold medal stolen. GASP!
Brendan was traveling home back to Austin from Philadelphia with a layover in Nashville when he discovered his medal went missing. Oh. My. Fucking. God. Everything in me is crossed in hopes that it wasn't some dicky Philadelphian who went through his bag. Let it be someone in Nashville! Country music fans are evil!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Olbermann Slams Republicans For Exploiting 9/11
All the conspiracy information and the obvious things that are wrong with the political system have finally made light because of Olbermann. This video is certainly eye opening and leaves you thanking him for FINALLY getting this information out there.
Previously I never cared too much about the political system because of how disenfranchised I became after the 2004 election. But this video gives me inspiration and drive to actually go out and make a change because I can not stand the Republican Party. Not to mention Sarah Palin. But again, you already knew that.
Watch the video and spread it to everyone you know. Republicans, Democrats, fatties, skinnies, blacks, whites, Asians....everyone.
Monday, September 8, 2008
If Only Men Fought With Music Than With Guns.
This of course led me to one of my favorite jazz pieces, "Take Five" done by the Dave Brubek Quartet:
Turn this one up as loud as you can.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I've Joked About Things Like This Before.
After being embalmed, his corpse was propped up for his three day wake in his mother's living room dressed in his favorite Yankees cap and sunglasses.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sarah Palin, You Shrew
God knows it took me long enough to register who the hell everyone was talking about while her picture flashed all over the television.
"Why would Tina Fey run for VP of the Republican Party? Am I watching an SNL Weekend Update special?"
Mmmm, no....
"Oh! Oh. The actress from Will and Grace is a Republican? I had no idea."
Again, no...but you're close.
THIS is your woman, The Maverick, The Moosehunter, THE SARAH!
Ah. Hm.
Sarah Palin is a shrew. I've never used this word so much in my vocabulary until now. It's actually pretty sad that the Republican Party, who previously could barely stand McCain as a candidate, is now ass crazy about the upcoming election. You know why? McCain is 900 years old. Palin just lost her first tooth. Perhaps Republicans are excited at the idea of this novice shrew taking over the Presidential hot seat if and when McCain dies in office. (I only use if should the world suddenly go to shit and elect him because afterall, he WILL die in office)
The following website was sent to me via a friend. It's quite interesting. An open letter from someone in her Alaskan community, so claiming to know her so well she knows Sarah Palin's in laws.
Her speech last night was indeed full of fire, but ... what was it's purpose? I'm pretty sure, can't be too sure I was moderately intoxicated, that the entire time she was up there she continuously bashed Obama and the Democratic Party. Ok, alls fair in Presidential races I suppose...Obama did his share of mud slinging. But...did she talk about her plans for America's future should she be elected as Vice President? Nope! It was a high school cool lunch table gossip fest is what it was. Obama and Palin used to date, then he broke up with her because she was a shrew. So now she's going to whatever lengths she can to break his character. Hopefully the American people won't fall for this bucket of flammable poo and elect who we know would better serve this country.
I hate looking at her face.
That was my textual impression of what a chicken noise would sound like.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
R.I.P. To The Scariest Voice In The Entire World.
Rest in peace sir! You truly do have the voice of God. Or, what I imagine his voice to be anyway.
In a world....
Monday, September 1, 2008
Further Proof Our Country Is Doomed.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I'll Believe It When I See It
"One night, at 11:30 p.m., an older African American
woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway
trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had
broken down and she desperately needed a ride.
Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.
A young white man stopped to help her, generally
unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man
took her to safety, helped her get assistance and
put her into a taxicab.
She seemed t o be in a big hurry, but wrote down his
address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a
knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a
giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A
special note was attached..
It read:
"Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway
the other night. The rain drenched not only my
clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along.
Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying
husband's bedside just before he passed away... God
bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving
Mrs. Nat King Cole."
"Though it's a lovely story, it too didn't happen. Nat King Cole died of lung cancer at dawn on February 15th 1965 in Santa Monica, California. He was hospitalized in December 1964, and on January 25th 1965 his left lung was removed. At least from the date of his operation until his death, Maria Cole was with him every day. There was no opportunity for her to have been stranded in the rain beside an Alabama highway in the weeks leading up to her husbands death. She was sitting with him when he passed away, and none of the newspapers that commented on her vigil made mention of a last minute dash to the hospital, an automotive breakdown, or a helpful Samaritan who got her there in time."
Dangit, it was so good too!
Oh well. Hey have you heard about that midget that killed himself on set of The Wizard of Oz...
All About My Vag- Well Not Mine But, Alright.
So when I stumbled on this site All About My Vagina (which I used to recommend to friends when I was about 14 or 15 lol) I was blown away at how few of the sites I visited are actually still up! Its always nice to see that she's still maintained to keep the layout and look of it simple. And now there's a STORE! Maybe educators should explore this site during sex ed rather than those awful overrated videos and lectures.
This one is definitely worth the shout out. A highly entertaining [and even educational!] read, I highly recommend it!
click to explore
Monday, August 18, 2008
Let's Up The Anti on Dorky-ness Y'all!
“Now instead of playing Mario in the bathroom, you can tell the world you’re playing Mario in the bathroom.”
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I'm Absolutely Certain I Would Have Had Nightmares For All Of Eternity.
When I came across these, I nearly shit myself. These look like they should fit a character in a horror film rather than a blockbuster summer hit that children are most likely to see. Stay tuned! Not only are you going to be haunted by the sudden death of the cast member but now when you look at him you'll be pushed that much further off the edge!
I'm glad they went the path they did.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
50% Rain, 100% Olympics.
Because northeast Asia is such a high precipitation area in the Summer, there is a 50% chance of rain scheduled to soak Beijing on August 8th. But to prevent this tradgedy, Chinese scientists have uncovered a technique to place a so called "umbrella" over the Olympic stadium to preserve the magic of the opening ceremony. Too bad the magic couldn't be saved for the USA Women's Soccer Team.
More on China's plans to,0,39372.story
Monday, August 4, 2008
For Your Reading Pleasure: Unnecessary Knowledge
"Three years of a person's life is spent on the toilet."
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Into The Wild: In Review
It's the story of Chris McCandless, a college graduate and vagabond on a journey to find himself in the Alaskan wilderness. Portrayed by Emile Hirsch in the film, we watch as Chris aka Alexander Supertramp travels across the country and even into Mexico, destination Alaska, with special attention paid to the relationships he makes along the way.
Usually after watching a movie I always want to look up as many facts I can about behind the scene stories. So naturally as soon as the movie was over I googled the shit out of Christopher McCandless' story. He came from a wealthy background, "stable" home, and graduated with honors from Emory University. "Disillusioned" by material things in life and society, days after he graduated he destroyed all forms of identification, burned all his money (specifically donating $24,000 of his trust fund to charity), abandoned his car and just...took of.
I find the different perspectives of his story interesting. A lot of people idolize him and set off on journeys of their own, usually men around the same age and even take a picture in front of the infamous bus he passed away in. Then on the other hand, a lot of Alaskan natives and park rangers from the area call Chris' acts foolish and selfish, based on the reason that he could have saved his life had he known there was a man made pulley system to get him across the river that was significantly lower when he crossed only a few months earlier. Had he known this, he wouldn't have had to turn around.
Another issue that maybe was expected to come up after the film's release was the issue regarding the school bus. Residents of the area are pushing for the bus to be air lifted, and set down at the beginning of McCandless' trail rather than where it is now due to unwanted tourist attention.
A dreamer or a fool, the life of Chris McCandless that Emile Hirsch brought to life was truly amazing.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
This Is Fucking Stupid.
Sometimes this slips through the cracks when I stumble. I want to thumbs down it so badly but I don't want ALL images to stop coming to me! So instead, I'll post it here and air my greivances about HOW FUCKING STUPID this image is.
Punctuation is Powerful.
No fucking shit, asshole. I picture some sorority bleach blonde robot who wears sweatpants with brown ugg boots and north face seeing this somewhere and, after a considerable amount of time trying to "understand" this, became blown away.
PuNcTuAtIoN iS PoWeRfUl*<3 is how it was probably written in her profile. lolz****.
Shhh! Not While I'm Transferring Floors!
Time and time again I've waited for an elevator (lately more often with people from work) with a group of people who yell scream laugh and carry on. But once we're on the elevator, empty or not, we all shut the fuck up? What is this? Why? The most moving conversation in the entire world say, your position on the current issues involving gas prices or your stance on the war, yet once those elevator shaft doors does the conversation...
Is it because of the confined space we're in? Is it because we're all facing the same direction and feel that we can't continue our conbersation? OR ! OR! I know. It's because we're all concentrating on keeping the elevator in the air. That's the only explanation that makes sense to me. It's how planes stay in the air, it's house planes stay afloat, and it's how, well, elevators don't plummet to the lobby floor.
NO ONE can survive a conbersation in an elevator. Even the best of them become silenced by the heavy anxious breathing of those surrounding them. Every floor that beeps you're that much closer to yours. Every floor that beeps you're that much higher in the air. Every floor that're on that elevator in that gaping shaft for just... that ... much... longer...
I suggest that next time you find yourself in an elevator with people who want to talk and carry on about things that don't matter like world peace and the environment, give them the evil eye to hush their faces! But don't get distracted, the elevator might fall. And you might die.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Dark Knight Was Amazing, But You Already Knew That.
I saw it last night. I don't want to ruin it for everyone but, Heath Ledger dies at the end of this one. OUCH! Too soon?
Of all the mayhem and drama for somebody's momma the only question I was left with at the end was: Why do the people of Gotham city continue to live there? Here's what I come up with. They MUST be getting some type of government stimulus like the Alaskan people to do live there. Afterall, 'tis quite the popular city. But then wait, that's a lot of money to just give away...but then the mob was in control for a little while...ugh nevermind.
Don't wait to see it! Half the fun is trying to find a seat in the movie theater amidst 30 thousand other people who have come out to see Heath Ledger's final hurrah. And there's always an added bonus when you get in an argument with another patron!
Italian outrage over Roma drowning photos
This "takes the cake" for most fucked up things I've read in a while. Doesn't anyone have a problem with sunbathing next to two dead bodies? I know there is a sense of urgency to get as much sun soaked into your body before the sun switches but COME ON is it bad enough to casually lounge next to corpses? And speaking of urgency ... is there no RUSH TO GET TWO DEAD BODIES OFF OF A BEACH OUT FROM UNDER A HOT SUN FASTER THAN AN HOUR? This situation is beyond belief I feel like I'm reading a script for an episode of Law and Order or CSI. Who wants to bet they'll use this as a story idea in the fall? And to carry them off in coffins off the beach... ha I've run out of trying to figure it out.
"The incident also attracted condemnation from the Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal Crecenzio Seppe. 'Indifference is not an emotion for human beings,' Seppe wrote in his parish blog. 'To turn the other way or to mind your own business can sometimes be more devastating than the events that occur.' "
Archbishops can blog..?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My Spacebar Is Breaking
Here's a new site for you to be addicted to !
A website that (claims) says they can figure out what song you "tap" out on your spacebar by tapping the space bar. Now, initially I was skeptical. OF COURSE. And naturally of course I couldn't think of any other song to tap out except ABC's ... or was it Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? No clue. But it got it! After that I tried Don't Stop Till You Get Enough by Michael Jackson for fun. Too much tapping, it didn't get it. But it did get random NSYNC songs. So give it a try. Take some time first to think of something good!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
PM hopes to lift Iraq by doling out cold, hard oil cash
Bush needs to take note of this. However I am almost positive that if he traipsed the streets of any down and dirty city, he'd be shot. Good for you, Iraq!
I Can Ping, I Can Piiiiiiiing!
Basically what is, is a site that compiles ALL of your social networks, everything from Blogger to Facebook to freaking Xanga (who even uses that anymore over the age of 15?). All you need to do is fill out ONE form with your status and it sends it out to every site you've added to the list. No need anymore to update your AIM away message, your facebook status, and your twitter seperately anymore people! I've only registered today (because the site is in Beta mode, you can only register with their beta code, freshly released this morning "pingbewithyou"!) so I still have a bit of exploring to do.
I didn't like that I had to add the application to set up the Facebook account >=-0 . I'm still not completely sure how I'll use it, as I have a tendency to feel better when people have no idea what I'm up to. I guess I can eat my words after that because I AM on Twitter!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Now This One's Pretty Good.
It appears that a group of people went out to make a remix of the infamous video, putting music to it and actually blending it into a somewhat decent song! It makes me laugh watching the passengers get up and participate and in the end the old lady getting up to dance a little.
Well done!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Alls Not Lost In Love!
BUT ALAS! The heart mends, and the world goes on.
As of 2 weeks ago Jill Scott officially announced that she is set to wed again, to her drummer! Congratulations Jilly from have restored my faith in love again! Something like that.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I'm A Big Fan Of Lists
"Gone But Not Forgotten - the music lives on"
This site is a list of musicians who died from 1969 and on, listing the causes of their death either from natural causes, accidents and drug/alcohol abuse.This site also led me to another fun list brought to you by the ever marvelous Wikipedia:
The "27 Club"
Scrolling through it's interesting to me to see how many musicians died in the earlier years at young ages from drug/alcohol abuse compared to these days. No one is badass anymore! That is, if you consider living fast and dying young "badass" which, I do. Nothing exciting happens anymore! Childhood stars aren't killing themselves! They're smart and articulate! Singers and songwriters aren't killing themselves anymore either! They just...sing and write songs!
All the more reason to teleport myself back to the 60s and 70s.
SO I finally decided to google it, and find out for myself rather than from the words of the human bastardly population around me.
And here's what I found:
Apparently they ARE closing! Unfortunately I find something false with this article. They say that the one on 17th and Arch will be closing at the end of May. It is now July 5th. And being that I work right across the street from it...I'm in there every day. And it's still there. Unless I'm living in some alternative universe where everything is exactly the same yet there are no Wawas and I just make it up as I go along..............??????
I'm not opposed to having Wawas in the suburbs. I grew up in the suburbs 3 seconds away from one. So to trash the suburbanites isn't exactly fair guys, come on!
Please don't leave me Wawa, I love you. You help me feel better! I hear some Sheetz fans talking shit on you, but I defend you. You have sparked the sandwich lover in me. I love sandwiches. And if you take this from me, well...I suppose I have no will to live any longer.
Please don't go.
Speaking of Wawa hoagies, I think I'll get one now.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Everyone Else Isn't The Smartest Person You Know.
Maybe it shows lack of confidence on my part in what I know, but more often than not I give people the benefit of the doubt that YES they know what they're talking about. Of course the winter Olympics are this year! What? No! They're not! You're an idiot!
Moving forward I'll hold my nose up to everyone until they provide me with proof of information with every fact I'm presented with.
Take note.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
A quarter of the city's residents infected with HIV live in the Bronx
NEW YORK (CNN) -- A three-year initiative will seek to give HIV tests to everyone in the Bronx from age 18 to 64, the New York City Department of Health announced Thursday.
A new initiative seeks to reach the 250,000 Bronx adults who have never been tested for HIV.
The announcement comes on the heels of a report released Wednesday that found a high rate of "unsafe sexual behavior" in New York City.
"Of most concern, among men who have sex with men who had five or more partners in the past year, 36 percent did not use condoms consistently," Health Commissioner Thomas Freidan said in a statement released with the report. "This is a core group which is at high risk for getting, and spreading, HIV."
HIV, or the human immunodeficiency virus, is the virus that causes AIDS.
The Bronx has been particularly hard-hit, according to the report. A quarter of New Yorkers infected with HIV -- more than 21,000 people -- live in the Bronx, and the borough reports a third of the city's AIDS deaths each year.
The Bronx already leads the way with HIV testing, with 68 percent of adults -- compared with 64 percent in Manhattan and 56 percent in Brooklyn -- reporting having been tested at some point in their lives. But the new initiative seeks to reach the 250,000 Bronx adults who have never been tested -- some of whom may be unknowingly living with HIV.
"New infections are still occurring at epidemic rates," Bronx borough President Adolfo Carrion Jr. said in a written statement, "especially among women and people of color."
According to city officials, one in four people with HIV in the Bronx do not know that they are infected, and one in four of those who find out that they are HIV-positive also learn that they already have full-blown AIDS.
Soraya Pares, 43, a program coordinator at the Bronx Health Center who focuses on HIV prevention, referral and counseling, found out she was HIV-positive in 1991, soon after her newborn daughter tested positive for HIV.
"I was one of those people who thought it wouldn't happen to me," she told CNN.
Health Library
Pares said the new testing initiative will improve awareness in a community that is in denial about the prevalence of HIV. "It's not just the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered and the IV drug users," Pares said. "Regular people also get infected. It's the same disease."
Since finding out she was HIV-positive, Pares said, she has worked on community health issues -- first as a volunteer and now as a full-time employee -- and has gotten married. Her husband is HIV-negative.
On Wednesday, she watched her HIV-positive daughter, who plans to become a nurse, graduate from high school.
"If you know your status, it's possible to have a fruitful life and still have anything and everything your heartThursday, June 26, 2008
God Is Funny! See!?
There are a total of 16 episodes all with light and happy music that reminds me of watching Frasier. Maybe if I was high I'd be able to wrap my mind around to making some sort of connection about how Frasier and the universe have something in common....
Checking his voicemail:
"You have 2 billion 9 hundred 96 million 804 thousand 7 hundred and 60 unheard messages. Message 1: 'Hey how are you? We thank you for this food'...."
"This is 60%...of my voicemail right here...spam."
Sunday, June 22, 2008
New Eargasms: Stefanie Heinzmann, The Ting Tings
Stefanie Heinzmann. The other day a friend of mine at work introduced me to her via a YouTube video called, "My Man Is A Mean Man".
He's a...mean man! But he' man!
Take a dose of Joss Stone mixed with some Pink voice and Natasha Bedingfield and voila you have Stefanie Heinzmann. I can definitely see this song becoming a hit of the summer. My personal favorite of hers right now, however, is "Like A Bullet"
Just makes you move on your own! But yooooouuuuu are the only one who ever got me! Very catchy! I'll probably be singing that tune to myself for a little while...without even knowing the words.
ON to the next.
A couple of weeks ago I stayed in on a Friday night and watched Pete Wentz's new show on MTV called FNMTV. It's basically a show that plays all new music videos (strangely a rarity on MTV anytime OTHER than between 4-8am) and debuts some new ones. The one they chose to debut in this episode was a video by a group called The Ting Tings and their song "Shut Up and Let Me Go"
Not only is the song awesome but the VIDEO is actually great too! Makes me not cry over the days of music videos that used to have stories to them. Sigh..those were good days.
If you happen to watch as much TV as I do, or may already know this song. It's one of the latest lucky ones to have their shit debuted on an iTunes commercial. As much as I hate finding songs and liking them in iTunes commercials and MTV spots...I found MIKA that way... but this is actually pretty good.
Another favorite of theirs that currently has tangled my heart strings is "Traffic Light"
AMAZING!!!! Simply Put! It's so simple and easy. A collection of random sounds mixed together make something so beautiful. I love as the music drops out and you hear scratching of what sounds like a record and the lone electric happenings.
So take a gander, take a listen...and spread the good word.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Colorful Headline
Said picture:
Said caption:
"Tina Watson, background right, lies motionless after she drowned in 2003 while diving in the Great Barrier Reef."
I don't know the finer details of the story to make me choose a side between the dead wife and the husband... which I'm sure will turn up on a Dateline or a 20/20 in the next few months to fix that for me... But I CAN say that I am deeply disturbed that the general public has access to look at this woman dead at the bottom of the ocean. And what do I do? I post it on my blog.
I guess I'm not helping the cause. Oh well.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I Wonder About You.
I wonder about you. What is it about you and your daily activities that cause you to consistently mimic the sound of dragging chairs across a hard wood floor wearing high heels all the while bouncing a basketball? What is it? I'm curious? I don't know who you are, nor do I know your name. I just know your presence. I may have seen you come in and out of the building 2 or 3 times, but I'm not positive if it's you or not. Right now you're running a vacuum cleaner. I say that's alright. But it is NOT alright for you to drag 13 chairs across your apartment at 11:30 at night when I'm trying to wind down for the night before an early day of work the next day. And it also is not alright for you to REdrag said chairs BACK across to the other side at 5:30am before it's time for me to wake up. Sleep is precious to me. Apparently not to you, as you are continuing to make noise well beyond the time I go to bed and surprisingly way before I wake up. Do you sleep, Girl in the apartment upstairs from me? Do you sleep? I'm curious to see what your apartment looks like on a day to day basis as it sounds like you never stop re arranging. Is it feng shui? I'm not familiar. Have you reached a level of transcendence in your life unreachable to those with standard practices by doing this? Teach me, Girl in the apartment upstairs. Teach me. I think I'll wrap this up before I convince myself to run up there right now in a blind range to "take care of things".
Ah, there you go again. With the chairs.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I Had A Dream
Out of everything and anything that is wrong with that situation, the thing that bothered me most... was that she listed her political views as
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
What Is This Plurk You Speak Of?
What the fuck is it? I looked. I have an invitation? From someone already on Twitter! Sin...
It looks kinda cool, with the way that you can grab and drag the updates across the screen rather than having to click buttons that MAY OR MAY NOT work to previous pages.
The design of the page ain't to shabby either.
I don't like how it's gone back to the restrictions of the old school Facebook status update days. I can't stand to be held back on expressing how I'm feeling on the internet! Damn it!
It's all coming in my face so much that it makes me think that Plurk has some people who work for them coming together to start a revolution against Twitter...
<3Twitter but...I consider this an open relationship...
Just found the nail in the coffin in my possible exploration and switch over to Plurk.
Plurk has no SMS access.
That's all the fun of Twitter!
Next time, guys.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Introducing the Slow Movement Society.
Edgar S. Cahn is fighting for your right to be lazy! This 73 year old attorney is fighting for our rights to take back the time in our lives and actually slow down and appreciate doing things WE want to do.
I've also gone as far as putting up a craigslist ad for the Philadelphia area. Please join me in my laziness!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Ingrid Michaelson, In Review
I've only recently been aware of Ingrid since I became obsessed with Sara Bareilles (a little later than I'm proud of aka when I saw her perform on Ellen) back in...March, I believe? Well like the natural music addict I am coupled with my desire to always have MORE MORE MORE! I searched a "likefind" for Sara and beep boop there was Ingrid. I wasn't familiar with her song names, however after listening to a snippet of "The Way I Am" I searched further! And after many a listen my favorites have come to be: "The Hat", "Die Alone" and "Overboard" ALL of which I'm happy to say, she performed on Sunday!
Overall her concert was fantastic. I'm a sucker for performers (especially in intimate situations like those at the TLA or Trocadero) who talk and carry on with the audience. It lets me think in my head that HEY we CAN be friends! And that's exactly what Ingrid did. Right off the top she started off with "Ba da dop!"....Die Alone, and I was sold.
But what has stuck with me since Sunday was the song that she played in a round including 2 audience members with her on stage. It was perfect in every aspect. Sung beautifully, (including by the audience members which was a surprise!) and the lyrics (always my favorite part of a song) are amazing...
The sky looks pissed.
The wind talks back.
The bones are shifting in my skin and you my love are gone.
My room seems wrong.
The bed won't fit.
I can not seem to operate and you my love are gone
So glide away and so be healed and promise not to promise anymore and if you come around again then i will take, then i will take the chain from off the door
I'll never say, I'll never love
but I dont say a lot of things and you my love are gone
The final chorus is sung 6 times in a round until the last person sings "...then I will take, then I will take...then I will take the chain from off the door..."
IT KILLS ME! I can't do it any justice in words and have tried and failed over and over trying to find it on Limewire so I can take it with me on my Ipod in my pocket. I can only settle for YouTube versions, which are just as good as when I was there. If only it could be louder...
Anyway, here it is. Enjoy.
(funny too, this version has the conversational banter I was talking about=) )
Saturday, May 31, 2008
MMmmm Whatcha Say...
I can only imagine the vagueness of these names if you've never seen the show. Anyway here's THAT scene:
And now a couple of days ago, stalking stumble as I usually do on most evenings afternoons and mornings I came across the SNL parody. I haven't laughed this hard at something besides myself in a long time!
Introducing, "Dear Sister"
mmmmmwhatcha saaaay...mmm whatcha- mmwha- mmm wha- mmm whatcha sa- mmwhat- mmm wha- m- mmmmwhatcha sa- mmm wa- mmm whatcha saaaaaaayyyy....