This "takes the cake" for most fucked up things I've read in a while. Doesn't anyone have a problem with sunbathing next to two dead bodies? I know there is a sense of urgency to get as much sun soaked into your body before the sun switches but COME ON is it bad enough to casually lounge next to corpses? And speaking of urgency ... is there no RUSH TO GET TWO DEAD BODIES OFF OF A BEACH OUT FROM UNDER A HOT SUN FASTER THAN AN HOUR? This situation is beyond belief I feel like I'm reading a script for an episode of Law and Order or CSI. Who wants to bet they'll use this as a story idea in the fall? And to carry them off in coffins off the beach... ha I've run out of trying to figure it out.
"The incident also attracted condemnation from the Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal Crecenzio Seppe. 'Indifference is not an emotion for human beings,' Seppe wrote in his parish blog. 'To turn the other way or to mind your own business can sometimes be more devastating than the events that occur.' "
Archbishops can blog..?
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