God knows it took me long enough to register who the hell everyone was talking about while her picture flashed all over the television.
"Why would Tina Fey run for VP of the Republican Party? Am I watching an SNL Weekend Update special?"

Mmmm, no....
"Oh! Oh. The actress from Will and Grace is a Republican? I had no idea."

Again, no...but you're close.
THIS is your woman, The Maverick, The Moosehunter, THE SARAH!

Ah. Hm.
Sarah Palin is a shrew. I've never used this word so much in my vocabulary until now. It's actually pretty sad that the Republican Party, who previously could barely stand McCain as a candidate, is now ass crazy about the upcoming election. You know why? McCain is 900 years old. Palin just lost her first tooth. Perhaps Republicans are excited at the idea of this novice shrew taking over the Presidential hot seat if and when McCain dies in office. (I only use if should the world suddenly go to shit and elect him because afterall, he WILL die in office)
The following website was sent to me via a friend. It's quite interesting. An open letter from someone in her Alaskan community, so claiming to know her so well she knows Sarah Palin's in laws.
Her speech last night was indeed full of fire, but ... what was it's purpose? I'm pretty sure, can't be too sure I was moderately intoxicated, that the entire time she was up there she continuously bashed Obama and the Democratic Party. Ok, alls fair in Presidential races I suppose...Obama did his share of mud slinging. But...did she talk about her plans for America's future should she be elected as Vice President? Nope! It was a high school cool lunch table gossip fest is what it was. Obama and Palin used to date, then he broke up with her because she was a shrew. So now she's going to whatever lengths she can to break his character. Hopefully the American people won't fall for this bucket of flammable poo and elect who we know would better serve this country.
I hate looking at her face.
That was my textual impression of what a chicken noise would sound like.
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