Monday, May 19, 2008

This Is Why We're Still Waiting.

If anyone was wondering, questioning and losing sleep over why black people have not been awarded reparations yet, this is the reason. Forget all the progress we've made breaking down stereotypes in the media, politics, higher education WHATEVER. This high class gal has set us back about 43 hundred notches.

Black people like this are fucking stupid and embarrassing to me. Disgusting. All I can think while watching this video is what the old woman is thinking! She most likely lived through the civil rights movement... a time of excitement and change and "for what? for this?" is what probably runs through her mind. Sorry ma'am. I don't want to apologize for this embarrassment to NOT ONLY black people but humankind as a whole, but I feel it's necessary.

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. would get a kick out of this one.

ATL Hoodrat aka SOULJA GIRL goes crazy on the Marta!

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