Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ingrid Michaelson, In Review

This past Sunday I was blessed with the chance to get to see Ingrid Michaelson live at the TLA on South Street. Very much worth the $20 spontaneously spent the day before buying tickets, and the $25+ after that spent on alcohol I randomly drank in the middle afternoon because I didn't feel like going back to my apartment yet!

I've only recently been aware of Ingrid since I became obsessed with Sara Bareilles (a little later than I'm proud of aka when I saw her perform on Ellen) back in...March, I believe? Well like the natural music addict I am coupled with my desire to always have MORE MORE MORE! I searched a "likefind" for Sara and beep boop there was Ingrid. I wasn't familiar with her song names, however after listening to a snippet of "The Way I Am" I searched further! And after many a listen my favorites have come to be: "The Hat", "Die Alone" and "Overboard" ALL of which I'm happy to say, she performed on Sunday!

Overall her concert was fantastic. I'm a sucker for performers (especially in intimate situations like those at the TLA or Trocadero) who talk and carry on with the audience. It lets me think in my head that HEY we CAN be friends! And that's exactly what Ingrid did. Right off the top she started off with "Ba da dop!"....Die Alone, and I was sold.

But what has stuck with me since Sunday was the song that she played in a round including 2 audience members with her on stage. It was perfect in every aspect. Sung beautifully, (including by the audience members which was a surprise!) and the lyrics (always my favorite part of a song) are amazing...

The sky looks pissed.
The wind talks back.
The bones are shifting in my skin and you my love are gone.

My room seems wrong.
The bed won't fit.
I can not seem to operate and you my love are gone

So glide away and so be healed and promise not to promise anymore and if you come around again then i will take, then i will take the chain from off the door

I'll never say, I'll never love
but I dont say a lot of things and you my love are gone

The final chorus is sung 6 times in a round until the last person sings "...then I will take, then I will take...then I will take the chain from off the door..."

IT KILLS ME! I can't do it any justice in words and have tried and failed over and over trying to find it on Limewire so I can take it with me on my Ipod in my pocket. I can only settle for YouTube versions, which are just as good as when I was there. If only it could be louder...

Anyway, here it is. Enjoy.
(funny too, this version has the conversational banter I was talking about=) )

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