Thursday, July 31, 2008

This Is Fucking Stupid.


Sometimes this slips through the cracks when I stumble. I want to thumbs down it so badly but I don't want ALL images to stop coming to me! So instead, I'll post it here and air my greivances about HOW FUCKING STUPID this image is.

Punctuation is Powerful.

No fucking shit, asshole. I picture some sorority bleach blonde robot who wears sweatpants with brown ugg boots and north face seeing this somewhere and, after a considerable amount of time trying to "understand" this, became blown away.

PuNcTuAtIoN iS PoWeRfUl*<3 is how it was probably written in her profile. lolz****.

Shhh! Not While I'm Transferring Floors!

This is a trend I've been noticing for a while, but what exactly is it about elevators that makes people shut the FUCK up immediately?

Time and time again I've waited for an elevator (lately more often with people from work) with a group of people who yell scream laugh and carry on. But once we're on the elevator, empty or not, we all shut the fuck up? What is this? Why? The most moving conversation in the entire world say, your position on the current issues involving gas prices or your stance on the war, yet once those elevator shaft doors does the conversation...

Is it because of the confined space we're in? Is it because we're all facing the same direction and feel that we can't continue our conbersation? OR ! OR! I know. It's because we're all concentrating on keeping the elevator in the air. That's the only explanation that makes sense to me. It's how planes stay in the air, it's house planes stay afloat, and it's how, well, elevators don't plummet to the lobby floor.

NO ONE can survive a conbersation in an elevator. Even the best of them become silenced by the heavy anxious breathing of those surrounding them. Every floor that beeps you're that much closer to yours. Every floor that beeps you're that much higher in the air. Every floor that're on that elevator in that gaping shaft for just... that ... much... longer...

I suggest that next time you find yourself in an elevator with people who want to talk and carry on about things that don't matter like world peace and the environment, give them the evil eye to hush their faces! But don't get distracted, the elevator might fall. And you might die.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I Don't See Why This Has Been Banned?

MasterCard Priceless (Blow Job) Funny


Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight Was Amazing, But You Already Knew That.

the dark knight

I saw it last night. I don't want to ruin it for everyone but, Heath Ledger dies at the end of this one. OUCH! Too soon?

Of all the mayhem and drama for somebody's momma the only question I was left with at the end was: Why do the people of Gotham city continue to live there? Here's what I come up with. They MUST be getting some type of government stimulus like the Alaskan people to do live there. Afterall, 'tis quite the popular city. But then wait, that's a lot of money to just give away...but then the mob was in control for a little while...ugh nevermind.

Don't wait to see it! Half the fun is trying to find a seat in the movie theater amidst 30 thousand other people who have come out to see Heath Ledger's final hurrah. And there's always an added bonus when you get in an argument with another patron!

Italian outrage over Roma drowning photos

This now marks the second article I've posted from CNN with a picture of a dead person. This article's picture has two!



This "takes the cake" for most fucked up things I've read in a while. Doesn't anyone have a problem with sunbathing next to two dead bodies? I know there is a sense of urgency to get as much sun soaked into your body before the sun switches but COME ON is it bad enough to casually lounge next to corpses? And speaking of urgency ... is there no RUSH TO GET TWO DEAD BODIES OFF OF A BEACH OUT FROM UNDER A HOT SUN FASTER THAN AN HOUR? This situation is beyond belief I feel like I'm reading a script for an episode of Law and Order or CSI. Who wants to bet they'll use this as a story idea in the fall? And to carry them off in coffins off the beach... ha I've run out of trying to figure it out.

"The incident also attracted condemnation from the Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal Crecenzio Seppe. 'Indifference is not an emotion for human beings,' Seppe wrote in his parish blog. 'To turn the other way or to mind your own business can sometimes be more devastating than the events that occur.' "

Archbishops can blog..?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Spacebar Is Breaking

Here's a new site for you to be addicted to !


A website that (claims) says they can figure out what song you "tap" out on your spacebar by tapping the space bar. Now, initially I was skeptical. OF COURSE. And naturally of course I couldn't think of any other song to tap out except ABC's ... or was it Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? No clue. But it got it! After that I tried Don't Stop Till You Get Enough by Michael Jackson for fun. Too much tapping, it didn't get it. But it did get random NSYNC songs. So give it a try. Take some time first to think of something good!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

PM hopes to lift Iraq by doling out cold, hard oil cash

Bush needs to take note of this. However I am almost positive that if he traipsed the streets of any down and dirty city, he'd be shot. Good for you, Iraq!

I Can Ping, I Can Piiiiiiiing!

Last week I stumbled on this seemingly amazing site called On first look at the name alone it brought up to mind (ANOTHER site I'm addicted to) and I thought...could this be better? But alas, they have nothing to do with each other. Well...aside from updating your friends with status updates.

Basically what is, is a site that compiles ALL of your social networks, everything from Blogger to Facebook to freaking Xanga (who even uses that anymore over the age of 15?). All you need to do is fill out ONE form with your status and it sends it out to every site you've added to the list. No need anymore to update your AIM away message, your facebook status, and your twitter seperately anymore people! I've only registered today (because the site is in Beta mode, you can only register with their beta code, freshly released this morning "pingbewithyou"!) so I still have a bit of exploring to do.

I didn't like that I had to add the application to set up the Facebook account >=-0 . I'm still not completely sure how I'll use it, as I have a tendency to feel better when people have no idea what I'm up to. I guess I can eat my words after that because I AM on Twitter!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Now This One's Pretty Good.

If you recall my post about the ATL Hoodrat, then you''ll appreciate this new video that was introduced to me. It's called the "ATL Hoodrat aka SOULJA GIRL REMIX!"

It appears that a group of people went out to make a remix of the infamous video, putting music to it and actually blending it into a somewhat decent song! It makes me laugh watching the passengers get up and participate and in the end the old lady getting up to dance a little.

Well done!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Alls Not Lost In Love!

A year ago the Neo Soul world crumbled (er, at least mine did) with the announcement that the Queen herself, Jill Scott divorced her husband Lyzel Williams after 12 freakin years together! The inspiration for all of her poetry has turned to a dream shattered.

BUT ALAS! The heart mends, and the world goes on.

As of 2 weeks ago Jill Scott officially announced that she is set to wed again, to her drummer! Congratulations Jilly from have restored my faith in love again! Something like that.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I'm A Big Fan Of Lists

And I came across this one in a stumbling adventure.

"Gone But Not Forgotten - the music lives on"

This site is a list of musicians who died from 1969 and on, listing the causes of their death either from natural causes, accidents and drug/alcohol abuse.

This site also led me to another fun list brought to you by the ever marvelous Wikipedia:
The "27 Club"

Scrolling through it's interesting to me to see how many musicians died in the earlier years at young ages from drug/alcohol abuse compared to these days. No one is badass anymore! That is, if you consider living fast and dying young "badass" which, I do. Nothing exciting happens anymore! Childhood stars aren't killing themselves! They're smart and articulate! Singers and songwriters aren't killing themselves anymore either! They just...sing and write songs!

All the more reason to teleport myself back to the 60s and 70s.


For months now I've overheard various rumours that Wawa was closing all of its Center City locations to move out to the suburbs and stick gas stations on 'em. Blah. I love Wawa! After relocating to the city I am now steps away from one. I'm almost embarassed by how many times I go in there, seeing the same people make my 10" Italian hoagie with hot peppers, extra mayo and pepper day after day after day.... I always wondered to myself... "Are we next???" "WHAT WILL I DO????"

SO I finally decided to google it, and find out for myself rather than from the words of the human bastardly population around me.

And here's what I found:
Apparently they ARE closing! Unfortunately I find something false with this article. They say that the one on 17th and Arch will be closing at the end of May. It is now July 5th. And being that I work right across the street from it...I'm in there every day. And it's still there. Unless I'm living in some alternative universe where everything is exactly the same yet there are no Wawas and I just make it up as I go along..............??????

I'm not opposed to having Wawas in the suburbs. I grew up in the suburbs 3 seconds away from one. So to trash the suburbanites isn't exactly fair guys, come on!

Please don't leave me Wawa, I love you. You help me feel better! I hear some Sheetz fans talking shit on you, but I defend you. You have sparked the sandwich lover in me. I love sandwiches. And if you take this from me, well...I suppose I have no will to live any longer.

Please don't go.

Speaking of Wawa hoagies, I think I'll get one now.