Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'll Take Worldy Destruction for 200, Alex.

Mother Nature has been having a party lately, eh!

First the devastation of Myanmar, and now she decides to kick over 10k Chinese lives for fun. Boy oh boy would I KILL to be in control of nature! Oh. Too soon? Whatever will happen next? You know terrible things happen in 3s....

Events like these are always split various ways when it comes to determining the causes. You'll have a hand full over here who say that half a million people were killed this past weekend because you drive an SUV. Then you'll have a hand full over here who say that this happened because you or someone you know is thinking about and/or having gay sex. And then, of course, you'll have a hand full over here who are completely unaware of what's going on all together. "What earthquake? It wasn't on Perez!?!?!??"

Or maybe it was. Whatever, I only look at the pictures and laugh at the cum driblets.

When situations like this occur in the world, yes...they're sad. They are terrible and extremely unfortunate. But I don't think that just because you have your air conditioner on full blast in NY is the high holy reason why there was a huge tidal wave across the globe. And I'm almost positive, not certain, that sodomy does not cause earthquakes. Things happen for a reason. And for centuries there have been many instances where large groups of people were wiped out. And you know why? It's all about cleansing of the human race. If anyone hasn't noticed lately, we're becoming a bit overcrowded. Strange too, to think that now more than ever there are more people around us yet we're more distanced from each other than we've ever been...

It's not fair that things like these happen in under developed countries where people don't have resources to prepare and survive. God hates the poor, what can I say. No no no I don't mean that. But it sure looks that way, doesn't it! However, I will admit that it is a bit scary that lately God has decided he wants to cleanse the population. Hold out for a few years, won't you?

Maybe there's just something about living on the other side of the world that guarantees your death will be insignificant amongst 10s of thousands of others.

I can't wait to see what will happen next.

I'm thirsty.

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