Sunday, July 13, 2008

I Can Ping, I Can Piiiiiiiing!

Last week I stumbled on this seemingly amazing site called On first look at the name alone it brought up to mind (ANOTHER site I'm addicted to) and I thought...could this be better? But alas, they have nothing to do with each other. Well...aside from updating your friends with status updates.

Basically what is, is a site that compiles ALL of your social networks, everything from Blogger to Facebook to freaking Xanga (who even uses that anymore over the age of 15?). All you need to do is fill out ONE form with your status and it sends it out to every site you've added to the list. No need anymore to update your AIM away message, your facebook status, and your twitter seperately anymore people! I've only registered today (because the site is in Beta mode, you can only register with their beta code, freshly released this morning "pingbewithyou"!) so I still have a bit of exploring to do.

I didn't like that I had to add the application to set up the Facebook account >=-0 . I'm still not completely sure how I'll use it, as I have a tendency to feel better when people have no idea what I'm up to. I guess I can eat my words after that because I AM on Twitter!

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