Saturday, July 5, 2008


For months now I've overheard various rumours that Wawa was closing all of its Center City locations to move out to the suburbs and stick gas stations on 'em. Blah. I love Wawa! After relocating to the city I am now steps away from one. I'm almost embarassed by how many times I go in there, seeing the same people make my 10" Italian hoagie with hot peppers, extra mayo and pepper day after day after day.... I always wondered to myself... "Are we next???" "WHAT WILL I DO????"

SO I finally decided to google it, and find out for myself rather than from the words of the human bastardly population around me.

And here's what I found:
Apparently they ARE closing! Unfortunately I find something false with this article. They say that the one on 17th and Arch will be closing at the end of May. It is now July 5th. And being that I work right across the street from it...I'm in there every day. And it's still there. Unless I'm living in some alternative universe where everything is exactly the same yet there are no Wawas and I just make it up as I go along..............??????

I'm not opposed to having Wawas in the suburbs. I grew up in the suburbs 3 seconds away from one. So to trash the suburbanites isn't exactly fair guys, come on!

Please don't leave me Wawa, I love you. You help me feel better! I hear some Sheetz fans talking shit on you, but I defend you. You have sparked the sandwich lover in me. I love sandwiches. And if you take this from me, well...I suppose I have no will to live any longer.

Please don't go.

Speaking of Wawa hoagies, I think I'll get one now.

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