Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sarah Palin Is An Idiot!

Stumbled on this great blog titled Sarah Palin is an idiot! that exploits well no...shows the veil of truthiness that IS the crazed rabbit, Sarah Palin.

I hate her.


After the debates I couldn't really tell who came out as a real "winner", despite how CNN's voice ticker thing tried to help? Turned out to only be a distraction in the end. However, I do think it's entertaining how Sarah Palin and her "camp" consider that debate a victory. Victory? Just because she didn't fumble over her words and maybe answered ONE or TWO questions directly is a VICTORY? Jesus anyone really can be Vice President!

I do believe she even threw a sentence out there of "just because I'm not answering the questions the way you want me to..." ..WHAT!?! The way WHO wants you to? You get a question and you answer it with the truth and preferably without a Martha Generic accent. I also thought it was pretty tacky and ridiculous to give her brother's 3rd grade class a "shout out" and "extra credit for watching!" Wtf this is not MTV TRL, if that was the case HER ASS would have been canceled a week ago.

30 days...30 days...

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