Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Eargasms: Rachael Yamagata & The Foreign Exchange

After FOUR PAINSTAKING LONG YEARS (on both sides, mind you) one of my top favorite artists evar released their newest and 2nd albums today. Yes, both of them their second and both on the same day!

Today October 7th 2008 The Foreign Exchange Released their second installment:

Leave It All Behind

leave it all behind

Only after a first listen, its everything you can expect from it. The sweet sounds of Darien Brockington harmonizing mixed with excellent electronics and beats. Also a new voice comes along for the ride, one named Muhsinah. I know nothing about her, though over the next few days I plan to be listening to this one A LOT and researching everything I can on every single aspect of every song. I'm positive it won't be a let down, as it's got me hooked in only a matter of seconds.

Also on this unknowingly magical day, Rachael Yamagata also released her sophomore album entitled:

Elephants... Teeth Sinking Into Heart

elephants teeth sinking into heart

Since going to a few of her concerts, a few of these tracks aren't unfamiliar to me. Nevertheless, her raspy voice still grabs my heart the same as the last. Like the previous paragraph, I haven't gotten through the entire thing backwards and forwards yet, but I am excited for it's potential. Something different than the last, especially because of the track called "Faster". Completely rocker chick with it. Let me tell you it's just as awesome here recorded as it is live.

Now let me get back to it! I'll have some reviews in a few. In the meantime, don't watch the debate. Find something else to do instead. Unless of course, you're an undecided voter. But in that case, do not vote for McCain and SheBush because in all honesty if you do, you're an idiot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

come here after i visited your lastfm... So, this Rachael Yamagata, how you define her? maybe i check her out :)